
Senior Advocacy

Advocacy is one of Leaves Personal Care’s pillars.  As such, we thought it would be good to share with you about some of the advocacy choices available to you.

AARP is ubiquitous as the “retirement” organization which does a lot of public lobbying for issues important to seniors, but did you know that several organizations also cater to that age group?

Here’s a comparison of a few of them:

Organization Cost per year Age to join Type of Group
AARP $12 50 Advocacy and Discounts
AMAC $16 50 Advocacy and Discounts
CAP $15 50 Discounts and Religious
ASA $15 50 Discounts and Advocacy
TSC $13 Any Discounts and Advocacy

AARP was founded in 1959 by Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus.  It is the biggest organization of its kind, generating some $1.6 billion in revenue for 2017, $900 million of which came from “royalties”, chiefly from United Healthcare, which sells AARP branded insurance.

All the others listed here were founded in the 1990’s and 2000’s, most as politically conservative alternatives to AARP which is ostensibly non-partisan, however, many find that it does not represent their values well.

Not all the organizations share membership numbers but AMAC and TSC do with “over a million” and “more than four million” being reported respectively. By comparison, AARP reports some 38 million members.

Find out more and see which organization will advocate for you in a way that you could truly support. Check out the links below:






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