Leaves Personal Care Faith

People often ask us, is Leaves a faith-based organization.

We say, YES!  But what does it mean to be a  faith-based home care company?  That we are faith-based means that at our core, what drives us day-in and day-out, is our faith in a good and loving God, and a joyful, responsive, active others-focused life because we have been brought into community and relationship with him.  We want to love because He first loved us.  We want to let our light shine and, our hope and prayer is, that as people see our action, our “good works”, it will reflect well on our God and will invite others into relationship as well.  He came, not to be served but to serve, and we want to follow His example of servanthood.

Faith-based doesn’t mean we only serve Christians or only employ Christians.  On the contrary, because we follow Jesus, we want to live like he lived.  When Jesus lived on the earth, he was accused of all kinds of scandal because of the people he chose to associate with.  As those who live for Jesus, we recognize that judgementalism or pride or superiority, have no place in our thoughts or lives.  We accept everyone and want to show kindness, compassion, and goodness to all.

Sadly, we know that there are those who have been hurt by the church or disillusioned by their experience with people of faith.  Our desire is to be especially sensitive to those who have been wounded, whether intentionally or unintentionally, by Christians or people who claimed to be Christians.  Our mission isn’t to batter people with words, dueling with them to convince them we’re right and they’re wrong!  Rather, we seek to live our lives in such a way that mercy, compassion, justice, truth and kindness open doors of opportunity to give an answer for the hope that’s in us.

If you’ve experienced in-home care that seemed uncaring, lazy or selfish, we invite you to experience the difference of Leaves Personal Care.  We’re here for you.  And if working for a faith-based home care resonates with you, contact us today and start letting your light shine.

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    The Leaves Difference

    • Custom Care Plan
    • Dedicated On-Call Team
    • Carefully Screened, Qualified and Trained Care Givers

    Towns We Serve

    Grand Rapids
    Byron Center
    East Grand Rapids