National Caregivers Day – February 17, 2023
The 3rd Friday of February each year is National Caregivers Day! The National Alliance for Caregiving and American Association of Retired Persons reports that, in 2020, an estimated 53 million caregivers in the U.S. cared for an adult or child without getting paid for it. While most caregivers tend to one adult, approximately 15% look after two adults, and 3% care for three or more adults. The Institute on Aging reports that over 75% of caregivers are female who spend 50% more time providing essential services than males.
Perhaps you’re looking for ways to thanks the caregivers in your life! Here are a few ideas of ways you can show your appreciation.
Send a Thank You Card: Here’s a link to send free e-cards. (openme.com)
Buy a small gift of appreciation: Uncommon Goods is a great website for finding out-of-the-ordinary gift ideas: (uncommongoods.com)
Bring them some baked goods: Here are 19 tasty desserts you can bake in less than 10 minutes: (tasty.co).
Consider offering a pedicure: Groupon often has coupons for pedicures – check out the link to Groupon here – (groupon.com).
Some caregivers might appreciate a gift made in their name: Here are some ideas of worthy organizations someone might appreciate a donation made to: Safe Haven Ministries (safehavenministries.org), Harbor Humane (harborhumane.org), Gildas Club Grand Rapids (gildasclubgr.org).