Directions from Wyoming, MI to Heaven
Are you good with directions? My wife has an amazing internal sense of direction, and an intuition for getting places without a map. Not me! Google maps has been an amazing addition to my life, reducing, but comically not eliminating, the number of times I get lost or turned around. My dad always had one of those giant Rand McNally maps in his car and remembering him spreading that out on the table to figure out the way he was going to go is a fond, fun memory.
Many people think about getting to heaven kind of like a Google Map. There are lots of ways to get there; some are more efficient, some are more scenic, some have less traffic, some have more twists and turns but ultimately, it doesn’t matter which way you go. People have the idea that as long as you’re a pretty good person, everyone will get to heaven. As a faith-based and mission-driven organization, we want you to know that that just isn’t the case.
The Bible is clear when it says things like, Jesus is the only one who can bring us to God, (1 Tim 2:5 CEV). There aren’t a lot of different paths to heaven, there’s only one. Jesus said, “I am the way… without me, no one can go the Father” (John 14:6 CEV). If want to get to heaven from Wyoming or Grand Rapids or Hudsonville, there’s only one way. The Bible says in John 3:36 (CEV) “Everyone who has faith in the Son has eternal life. But no one who rejects him will ever share in that life, and God will be angry with them forever.”
If you’d like to know more about getting to heaven, we invite you to call us. Yes, we care for the elderly and help them live independently with dignity, but more importantly, we want you to have peace with God and hope for forever.